Practical Insights: Implementing ISO 19650 vs. Dubai BIM in Your Projects

Applying Building Information Modelling (BIM) strategies in infrastructure projects has become more and more significant when it comes to project management and asset management. The ISO 19650 standard and the Dubai BIM guidelines provide effective frameworks for BIM integration. This blog has offered real life tips on how to apply these standards in your projects based on “BIM Guidelines for Infrastructure” from the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City.

Understanding ISO 19650


ISO 19650 refers to an international standard touching on the management and documentation of information on buildings and civil engineering structures, specifically building information modelling. It comprises of several parts, observing how information is managed in the delivery and operational stages of assets using Building Information Modeling.

Key Components

  • Organization and Digitization: Develops on what was established in the previous topics by focusing more on structured and digital information processes when managing projects.
  • Information Management: Details the practices and guidelines regarding the handling of information from the time an asset is created to its eventual disposal.
  • Collaboration and Coordination: Supports the implementation of a CDE to encourage stakeholder communication and integration.

Understanding Dubai BIM Guidelines


Compared to such guidelines as British BIM level 2, the Dubai BIM guidelines are developed being in mind the specifics of the region and the construction industry within it. These guidelines are intended to provide with improvements in terms of productivity and outcome when it comes to project delivery and asset management for Dubai.

Key Components

  • Regional Adaptation: Localized to the requirements as well as realities of the construction sector in Dubai.
  • Standardization: Advances on the implementation of standard work processes and documentations.
  • Technology Integration: Stimulates the adoption of sophisticated BIM technologies and tools to advance results on projects.

Comparative Analysis: ISO 19650 vs. Dubai BIM

Alignment and Differences

ISO 19650 and Dubai BIM both testify cooperate delivery and asset management and these concepts result from structured and digitized information management. However, there are some key differences:

Scope: ISO 19650 is an international standard for use across the international markets, while Dubai BIM is specific to the geographic region of Dubai.

Flexibility: ISO 19650 represents a conceptual approach that reflects a set of adaptable methodology to different types of projects and sizes, while Dubai BIM describes a set of rules that directly address the context of Dubai.

Implementation: Whereas ISO 19650 is clear about the necessity of a central data hub and integrated, cooperative processes, Dubai BIM underlines the need for standardisation and local benchmarks.

Practical Insights for Implementation

When implementing either standard, consider the following practical insights:

1. Stakeholder Engagement

Involve all those interested in the process right from the beginning up to the point when there is full comprehension of the BIM requirements. This includes the owners, architects, builders and the managers of the facilities where the equipments are installed.

2. Common Data Environment (CDE)

Put in place an efficient CDE that enhances the exchange of information and collaborative processes. The CDE should align itself with the processes described in the chosen standard and guarantee safety and effectiveness in information processing.

3. Training and Competency

Education is a must to ensure that all employees who are involved in BIM implementation are well equipped with the use of BIM tools as well as standards for implementation. This is important as it ensures that the different stages of the project conform to the established standard and guidelines.

4. Documentation and Standards

Ensure that you establish project documentation, including the BEP, so that they cover the processes and compliance of roles and responsibilities. As for the rest of the standards, it is recommended to continue following the rules of naming conventions, level of detail (LOD) and the required information.

5. Technology and Tools

Integrate advanced Building Information Modeling tools and technologies in the construction projects. This includes clash detection software, 4D and 5D modeling, and 4Dimensional printing.

Implementing ISO 19650: A Step-by-Step Approach

Abu Dhabi BIM Mandate | Autodesk

Practical Insights for Implementation

When implementing either standard, consider the following practical insights:When implementing either standard, consider the following practical insights:

Step 1: Stakeholder Engagement

Involve all the stakeholders and make sure they accept the BIM requirements all through out. This incorporates the clients, designers, contractors as well as the facility managers.

Step 2: Common Data Environment (CDE)

Organise a well-designed CDE as an information exchange and communication tool. The CDE should cover the workflows outlined in the selected standard, and guarantee optimal as well as secure data management.

Step 3: Training and Competency

Promote human resource development for all individuals in the organization so that they will be capable of operating BIM equipments and adhere to the standards. This is important particularly when doing the work to ensure that the project follows the required standard.

Step 4: Documentation and Standards

Assign a myriad of procedures like BIM Execution Plans (BEP) to detail processes, authorities, and initiatives. Comply with the standards on how different pieces of information are named, at what level of detail (LOD), and the required contents.

Step 5: Technology and Tools

Integrate the right and modern BIM tools and technology in order to improve the project outcomes. This entails clash detect software applications, 4D and 5D modeling, and computer aided fabrication.

Implementing Dubai BIM Guidelines: A Step-by-Step Approach

Step 1: Initial Setup

Implement the BIM framework, and ensure it meets compliance with the Dubai BIM directives. Organize the stakeholders by their roles in the implementation and management of the proposed system.

Step 2: Standardization

Create general documentation and guidelines for the documentation such as the BIM Execution Plan and Information Delivery Plan. This way, regional best practices as well as local, state, and national standards can also be met.

Step 3: Integration

Develop BIM technologies and tools into projects for better project completion. There is documentation of software that is used in design authoring, to support clash detection and 4D/5D modeling.

Step 4: Collaboration

Introduce communication protocols to ensure cooperation and include a CDE into the broader data management strategy. This means that all the stakeholders are on the same page and moving in the same direction as well as to ensure that information flows freely.

Step 5: Quality Control

It is important to ensure that compliance to the Dubai BIM guidelines is synthesized through strict quality control measures. It is common practice to do so and would therefore suggest that regular audits and reviews be done in order to ensure that standards are being maintained.

Execution and Management

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Execution Phases in ISO 19650

Assessment and Need:

  • Initial Assessment: Determine the relevance of BIM training and the regularities of the project.
  • Client Requirements: Elaborate on the EIR, that in this context stands for information requirements of the client.

Invitation to Tender:

  • Tender Documentation: Make tender documents that have mention of BIM involved in the project.
  • Supplier Assessment: A pre-qualification assessment of BIM competency of potential suppliers.


  • Appointment: Assemble a project team with clear and well understood accountabilities.
  • BEP Development: Throughout the project, work on the plan for the Building Information Modelling project (BEP).

Collaborative Production of Information:

  • Common Data Environment (CDE): The four areas for consideration which are setting up and maintaining a CDE involve;
  • Information Production: Provide information conforming to the BEP requirements, and to identified standard/business rules.

Information Model Delivery:

  • Information Exchange: Facilitate the flow of information amongst the stakeholders at different phases of the project.
  • Verification and Validation: Because it forms the basis of the big picture and detailed specifications of the information model need to be developed, it must be verified and validated to harmonize with the project standards.

Project Close-Out:

  • As-Built Information: Comprehensively collect and provide the formed as-built information model into the project’s relevant parties.
  • Post-Project Review: Probably the last step should be a review in order to identify the lessons learned and the best practices as well as the potential risks and pitfalls.

Execution Phases in Dubai BIM


  • BIM Objectives: Set general and specific goals and mandates of BIM in accordance to Dubai’s needs.
  • Stakeholder Alignment: Ensure that everyone on the team understands, and is on the same page as, the company’s BIM objectives and requirements.

Design Development:

  • BIM Implementation Plan: In this case, it is necessary to create a BIM Execution Plan focusing on the design stage in order to obtain better results.
  • Coordination: This should be done by integrating the use of BIM tools that allow for the coordination among different disciplines in a project.

Construction Documentation:

  • Model Detailing: Realise precise concepts for construction based on the Dubai BIM guidelines and regulations.
  • Compliance Checks: It is necessary to work with compliance checks to orient the client company concerning the local legislation.


  • On-Site BIM Use: Application of BIM in construction specifically in planning and management, location of construction material and equipment, among others.
  • Real-Time Updates: Ensure real-time settings of the BIM model to depict construction initiatives.


  • As-Built Model: Also, pass the as-built BIM model to the client with all necessary information.
  • Training for Facility Management: Educate the client’s facility management team on how they are going to utilize the BIM model for use in operations and maintenance.

Operation and Maintenance:

  • Facility Management Integration: Coordinate BIM model with facility management.
  • Ongoing Updates: Some of the information that should be incorporated in the BIM model could be the following; Verify when the lifecycle of a building is complete then update the BIM model.

Managing the Execution Process

  • Clear Communication: It is also important to formalize the proactive communication channels that include all the stakeholders with the intention of maintaining congruency and clarity.

Monitoring and Control:

  • ISO 19650: It should be on a fixed regimen to check on the progress of the implementation of the BEP and to carry out audit exercises to conform to ISO 19650.
  • Dubai BIM: Update the progress in relation to the implementation of Dubai BIM standards and do checks occasionally.
  • Change Management: Have a strong communication plan for any alteration of the project’s size or specifications.

Quality Assurance:

  • ISO 19650: It is necessary to conduct regular quality control and check the validation to make sure that the information model conforms to the necessary requirements.
  • Dubai BIM: Conduct model audits to verify its effectiveness and adherence to the state and federal regulations.
  • Risk Mitigation: It is important to establish possible sources of hazard at a tender age and then take precautionary measures on how best to manages them.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Support all BIM activities, decisions and changes made in the documents for the sake of traceability.
  • Training and Support: Readily available training and reinforcement of the knowledge pertaining to BIM tools amongst the project team to ensure legal compliance of BIM.

By closely controlling the activity, a project team is able to guarantee that its implementation of BIM is effective, fit for purpose and creates value at every phase of the project’s life cycle.

Quality Control and Assurance

Quality Control Measures in ISO 19650

Information Requirements Definition:

  • Employer's Information Requirements (EIR): One must be very clear on what EIR shall entail in order to be producing the right information for the project.
  • BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Describe how the quality control is done within the context of the BEP.

Common Data Environment (CDE):

Structured Data Management: Apply the CDE on purpose to allow managing all project information in a systematic manner.

Access Control: Apply access and user privileges so that only authorized people can overwrite data in the database.

Validation and Verification:

Model Checking: Conduct both, AC and MC of BIM with EIR and BEP documentation on a consistent basis.

Clash Detection: Perform clash detection to deal with any issue in the model which causes conflict to avoid them.

Audits and Reviews:

Internal Audits: Many organizations undertake ISO 19650 implementation from which they need to implement internal audits to conform to the ISO requirements below;

Third-Party Reviews: It will help if organizations hire impartial third parties to carry out quality checks on your business to offer an honest opinion of your company.

Documentation and Reporting:

Quality Reports: Regular quality reports should be produced and contain information on the findings, incidents and solutions.

Issue Tracking: This means that to ensure that quality related issues are detected and addressed quickly, an issue tracking system should be used.

Quality Control Measures in Dubai BIM

Regulatory Compliance:

Local Standards: Make sure that all the BIM processes as well as the resulting deliverables meet the requirements and requirements of the United Arab Emirates state and specifically the Dubai jurisdiction.

Mandatory Checks: Conduct compliance check at specific project phase as may be required by law.

BIM Execution Plan (BEP):

  • Detailed BEP: A thorough BEP defines the BIM strategies, tasks, and roles of the personnel and teams involved in the project. It defines complex rules regarding exchanges of data, handling of models and quality assurance to facilitate cooperation and project outcomes.
  • Client and Authority Approval: Gather the client’s consent and approval from the local authorities for the BEP.

Coordination and Collaboration:

  • Interdisciplinary Reviews: Gather the team at least on a weekly basis to discuss the current and future progress, goals and ideas.
  • Coordination Meetings: The common problems regarding quality should be addressed and solved during the coordination meetings.

Model Validation:

  • Detailing and Accuracy: Demand that models must be precise to adhere with Dubai BIM standard requirements.
  • Compliance with Protocols: Coordinate model check against Dubai BIM protocol to check compliance to its standards.

Training and Competency:

  • Local Training: Offer training in Dubai BIM standards and quality, and related services.
  • Competency Assessments: Carry out periodic appraisals/demands to check how proficient members of the team are in the use of quality control procedures.


Training and Development

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Training Programs for ISO 19650

ISO 19650 standards should be adopted to support the sharing of information relating to a built asset through the use of BIM during the asset’s life cycle. These training programs are aimed at ensuring that professionals acquire those skills needed in order to implement the ISO 19650 standards.

ISO 19650 Certification Courses: These courses are meant to address principles and processes of information management as provided under Iso 19650. They often include modules on:They often include modules on:

  • Knowledge about the requirements in the ISO 19650 regulation
  • The identification and obtaining of measures and its relation to ISO 19650 for the implementation of BIM.
  • The management of information requirements and the development
  • Practical Workshops: Live training sessions that would give seasoned practitioners live experience of working on an actual project based on ISO 19650 standards.
  • Online Training Modules: Distance learning programs that enable working individuals to study on their own schedules and result in an ISO 19650 qualification.

BIM training Dubai

BIM is already being extensively used in Dubai, and there are many training courses that cater to the region.

Dubai BIM Certification Programs: These programs are short and are intended to meet the regulations of Dubai as well as the industry practice of Dubai. They typically cover:

  • The Dubai BIM mandate and the aspects that are in that mandate
  • Stakeholder’s Best Practices in Implementation of BIM in Dubai
  • The BIM successful application in practice: experience of Dubai
  • Workshops and Seminars: With the format of the conferences as well as seminars to be always frequently held such that working professionals can gain from experts and also associate with their counterparts. Such events are usually oriented towards the discussed trends and advancements in BIM use.

Individuals aspiring to practice BIM should embrace training and development as a tool to create added value. Whether one is studying the fine print of ISO 19650, learning about Revit in Revit BIM classes at the best Revit training center or pursuing an ISO 19650 Certification, practicing this crucial formula remains essential to exceling in the profession.


The use of BIM standards like ISO 19650 and Dubai BIM requires significant insight into their model and ways of applying the standards. While ISO 19650 can be regarded as an international perspective with a focus on information management and collaborative activities, Dubai BIM is characterized by more region-specific guidelines adapted to the Emirate’s construction market. Thus, following these standards, project teams are able to work more effectively without compromising on efficiency, minimising risks, improving communication, as well as guaranteeing the quality of the work performed. In conclusion, it is necessary to note that the adequate choice of BIM standard, as well as its successful implementation due to integration of the necessary training and further development, can allow for considerable reductions in expenses and achievement of the essential objectives of a given project.

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